Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Haven's 7th Birthday

Haven turned 7 with a Hello Kitty birthday celebration!

Of course Haven helped make the cake and picked out everything! One day the two of us are going to own a bakery together!

Josh took the kids straight from school to a big trampoline park not too far from the house. The place has several large trampolines all attached to each other. What could be more fun?

What party is complete without pizza and FACE PAINTING! Haven has gotten quite good. Thank you Hendrix family for the face painting kit.

Haven's family birthday started off with a special breakfast, presents from Grandparents, and then off to Seoul to try and watch a movie.

I say TRY because pretty much everything you do in Korea is a bit difficult, especially the first time you try it. Here you don't just go up to the counter and buy a ticket. Most often you purchase tickets online prior to going and use a kiosk at the theatre to take care of the rest.

It all worked out great and the birthday movie was a blast!!

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