Tuesday, May 6, 2014

East meets West: Still trying to assimilate

At lunch today we decided to test the waters with fusion cuisine. Curtiss-style fusion. Kim (seaweed) with everything!

Kim with pretzels and peanut butter, kim with pizza, kim with mac and cheese. There is no end to what kim will cozy up to!

Sometimes it tasted like this.

And others tasted like this!


  1. MMMmmmm! Yummy! Love Haven's "Yukky" face! Hilarious, but I still love it! ♥♡ Yaya

  2. I must not have the "taste-gene" because I truly can't do seaweed. But, I will put green olives on almost anything. Bottom line, this was a terrific post! Thanks for giving us a peek into your palates. And, um, plates.
