Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Lightning

We saw some pretty cool lightning on Labor Day Evening. We had fun watching it, Finlay woke up to see it, and then as it started to rain, a bolt hit really close to us and we ran inside. Just in time because it dumped alot of rain.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Trip To Kellogg Idaho

We had a great time at the wedding of our friends, Adam and Danielle, in Kellogg, Idaho. We spent time relaxing, riding bicycles, riding the "world's longest gondola", and working hard to help the wedding go smoothly.
We stayed at the Gold Run Retreat, a very large house overlooking the Silver Valley and Shoshone Golf Course. We hoped to see the black bear that visited the area but we missed out. Fortunately we flew to Spokane and rented a car, which both broke up the trip and limited the crying time.
Now we are gearing down for the start of the school year. Fin starts preschool on Friday's and Haven is working on her doctoral dissertation on Food Texture in Post-Modern Families.